Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Peeves... Pet and Otherwise

I have several pet peeves. Things that irritate me. Things that make me want to look at people and call them morons. Since I don't want to make all of these people completely mad at me, I'll just write about them here and then when they ask if I was referring to them I'll say "Of course not!" ;) So here are a few of the more annoying ones, in no particular order:

1. Kicking the back of my seat in the car. If you are sitting behind me in the car, please either hold your feet still or drive yourself. Kicking the back of my seat will only make me want to drive us all off the road. Not good.

2. The misuse of the words "then" and "than." THEN is a word that refers to a period of time. For instance: I will write this blog and THEN I will deny that it's about anyone I am close to. The word THAN is a word used for comparison purposes. For instance: People who know the difference between these words are smarter THAN you.

3. Misuse of the "@" symbol. You would think in a time where people use this symbol to type email addresses and websites, they would figure out that it means AT, yet here I am explaining to people that you cannot use it to mean ABOUT. It does not mean "about." You can not tell me @ something. Ugggggh!!!

4. People who leave voicemails on cell phones saying "It's me, just call me back." Um, I know it's you. The reason that I know it's you is because sometime in the 90's an incredibly smart person brought the caller ID to consumers like you and me, and I use it.

Ok, I've complained enough for one day... just one question... Is there anyone out there whose pet peeve is bloggers who complain too much?? ;)

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