Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm not perfect. In fact, I'm so far from perfect that I can't even see what it looks like from here. So why is it that when I have a certain standard that I require myself to adhere to, I get told that I think I'm "so perfect." News flash, there is a big difference between WANTING things to be perfect and actually BEING perfect. I have a ton of flaws. Among the biggest of my flaws are that I am sometimes bossy and impatient. I can also be very stubborn. Another flaw that I have is that I'm overly sensitive sometimes, and that is the one that I struggle with the most.

I recently saw the following sentence on a friends FB status and it really spoke to me: "...if a person feels judged it is often the still voice inside that accuses them, but it is easier to blame another than deal with the depravity within." It's true. When my feelings get hurt because someone has accused me of something, it's usually because I know they're right. (When I know they're wrong I react usually with an eye roll and a laugh or sometimes I get mad depending on the seriousness of the accusation) It goes both ways. I can see that when I get told I think I'm perfect, it's because that person feels inadequate, not because they really think that I'm perfect. I have learned lately that there are some people that you will never be able to count on. There are some people that will always choose the "fun" over a chore, even when the chore helps someone. I can't take it personally. I have to resolve myself to remembering that just like I have flaws that I battle daily, so do others, and I can't let theirs affect me in a negative way.

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